Love, Joy, Peace...

What we believe...

-That Jesus is God manifested in the Flesh. 1Timothy 3:13

-That the Apostles taught everything Jesus told them to teach.  Acts 1:1-2

-That we must repent of our sins and turn from those ways so we can go to Heaven.  Luke 13:3

-That we must be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ to wash those sins away.  Acts 2:38

-That we must receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit in order to enter the Kingdom of God.  John 3:5

-That the Word of God is our sole authority on how to act, live, conduct ourselves in order to make it to Heaven.  John 12:48

-That this world and our opinions do not change what the bible says, and that we must obey and follow the Word of God as it is written.  Psalm 119:89  Luke 8:21